pre-k through grade 8

prek-grade 8 OVERVIEW

At CAS, students are grouped in three academic levels- Pre-Kindergarten (3 & 4 year-olds), Kindergarten – Grade 5 (elementary level) and Grades 6-8 (middle school). We are a small school environment, with small class sizes and individualized, personalized learning at our core.


The Pre-Kindergarten 3 year old program at The Academy offers both a three day and five day option, as well as after school programs for families.


The Pre-Kindergarten 4 year old program is a 5 day program and also includes the option of after school care and programs for students.


The focus in Kindergarten through Grade 5 is on students at the beginning of their educational journey. Personalized learning is integrated early on and implemented daily. Our teachers work with students and their parents to develop individualized curriculum based on the students’ unique talents and interests.


Our students in Grades 6 – 8 are uniquely prepared for high school and beyond. Personalized learning in the curricular areas of Math and ELA intensifies in Middle School. Our students are grouped by ability in Math, with our 8th graders provided an accredited high-school level Algebra 1 course. Advanced robotics and STEM courses are enhanced by Project Lead the Way for all students in grades 6-8.