The mission of the Catholic Academy of Stamford proclaims “a superior academic environment that encourages its children to discover and fully develop their unique talents and abilities.”
One of the major innovations that we have embraced in our educational mission is the use of “personalized, blended learning.” PL/blended learning “blends” traditional classroom instruction with an online diagnostic set of tools that allow teachers to understand the mechanics of how each student learns, allowing the teacher to give direct assistance in those areas that a student may find challenging, all the while allowing the same student to excel in areas that he or she can understand easily.
In the past, traditional classroom instruction tried to engage all students. However, what was found was that students who easily mastered the materials being taught got bored and those who could not understand were left behind. Web-based diagnostic programming now allows teachers to know exactly what a student may understand well, what is difficult for the same student and pinpoint the materials needed to help the student to overcome the difficulties.
At CAS, we begin personalized learning discovery and assessment early on, at the beginning of their educational journey. We work with students and their parents to develop individualized curriculum based on the students’ unique talents and interests. Small class sizes facilitate teaching, allowing for a better, technology-based education coupled with needed one-on-one attention.
We believe in the innate potential of every child/student. We also understand that change is never easy. We live in a world where change occurs at a faster and faster rate. Technology is as second-nature to today’s child as riding a bike was in earlier times. We are utilizing personalized, technology-assisted learning with the goal of unlocking the full potential of every student. We embrace these resources and this approach to the benefit of every child’s learning journey.