pre-k through grade 8


We are proud of the quality and commitment of all of our teachers here at CAS. Our experienced PreK- Grade 8 teachers have taken their vocation to the next level by achieving advanced Master Degrees and Teacher Certification. Their strong educational backgrounds and achievements adds tremendous value to our student’s education.


Our teachers have mastered the basics of teaching, go above and beyond to ensure a positive learning experience for each student, and shares his or her knowledge with the broader learning community. They are completely focused on student learning and possess a deep understanding of how students learn and develop.


Our teachers use research-based teaching methods to design, plan, and deliver effective lessons. By understanding and using the most current and effective teaching strategies, our teachers meet their students’ needs. They think outside the box, moving beyond worksheets and textbooks to provide the most meaningful learning experiences possible for their students. They know how to accurately assess student learning, and by proactively analyzing assessment results, they continually modify instruction to meet students at their levels to develop mastery of critical knowledge and skills.


Our teachers actively participate in ongoing professional development. They are lifelong learners and are never satisfied with the knowledge and skills they have already gained. Instead, they continually seek out opportunities to develop as practitioners in their content areas, studying the latest research and literature on their subjects and stretching their skill sets and strategies in the classroom. Master teachers critically examine their methods and practice and adjust their techniques as they learn more.


You can have confidence in these women and men, and in the level and attention your student receives from them. We believe it is one of the foundations of the excellence in academics and experience children receive at The Catholic Academy of Stamford.


Open House – Sunday, 1/26/25 (12pm – 2pm)