pre-k through grade 8

Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Plan work begun in January 2021. The Steering Committee and Committee

leads Beth Adamson (Chairperson), Harold Spitzfaden, Pat Brady and Jen Hanley met twice a month, facilitated by Partners in Mission, an outside consulting firm. The Strategic Plan was led by Chairperson, Beth Adamson.


CAS faculty, staff, Board of Directors and volunteers attended two Strategic Plan retreats in October 2021 following months of hard work. This plan came together as a result of the contributions and diligent work of our faculty/staff, alumni, students, parents, alumni parents, Board of Directors, parishioners, fellow Catholic educators, business leaders and friends of Catholic education. Our committees have been working in all domains.


You may view our Strategic Plan here.


Open House – Sunday, 1/26/25 (12pm – 2pm)