pre-k through grade 8

board of DIRECTORS

Thank you for your interest in The Catholic Academy of Stamford, and in us, its Board of Directors.



Our focus, as a Board of Directors, is to set a course – a vision for our school and all it is to become. It’s our responsibility to ensure CAS has the tools and resources to fulfill our stated mission to provide a superior education, in a safe, nurturing environment.

We also, through advancement and fundraising efforts, ensure the annual budget is met and health of our school ensured, as well as the long-term viability of its institution achieved.


You, like us, are committed to Catholic education and formation. Thank you for your part in our mission to educate, form and prepare the whole student for success and for making a real contribution to their world of the future. See Board of Directors’ Bios Here.


Our Board of Directors:

  • Mr. Harold Spitzfaden, Chairperson

  • Mr. Frank Browne, Vice-Chairperson

  • Mr. Matthew Murphy

  • Mrs. Patrice Kopas

  • Miss Maureen Belford

  • Ms. Sydelle Exantus

  • Mr. Todd Michalak, CAS Parent

  • Mrs. Danielle Jahn, CAS Parent

  • Mr. Chris Kulick, CAS Parent

  • Mrs. Gaby Dunn, CAS Parent

  • Miss Patricia E. Brady, Head of School/Principal


Pictured from left to right in above photo: Chris Kulick, Frank Browne, Matt Murphy, Pat Brady, Fr. John, Harold Spitzfaden, Patrice Kopas, Todd Michalak, Maureen Belford, Danielle Jahn. Not Pictured: Sydelle Exantus and Gaby Dunn

Special thanks to Anthony Giobbi for serving on the CAS board since the inception of CAS in 2017. And to Robyn Neto for serving for the last few years. Tony and Robyn have stepped down as of 7/1/24 and we appreciate their years of service to CAS!

Congratulations to Mr. Frank Browne and Mr. Matt Murphy on receiving the St. Augustine Medal of Honor award!


The St. Augustine Medal of Honor Awards Ceremony with Bishop Caggiano took place on October 19, 2024 at the Cathedral of St. Augustine in Bridgeport.


Thank you for all that you do for The Catholic Academy of Stamford!

Our Board of Members: (Pictured from left to right in below photos)

  • Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport Diocese

  • Mrs. Stacie Stueber, Superintendent of Schools

  • Msgr. Robert Kinnally, Vicar-General


Most Reverend Frank J. Caggiano, Bishop of Bridgeport DioceseMsgr. Robert Kinnally, Vicar-General