pre-k through grade 8

staff Directory


I am absolutely honored and excited to be a part of a school I hold close to my heart. Originally a native New Yorker, I studied at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music and at the Aaron Copland School of Music, Queens College. My family and I moved to Stamford twenty years ago when I began as Director of Music at St. Cecilias Church and teaching Music, Italian and Fine Arts in the Stamford Diocesan Schools. My children all attended school at what was St. Cecilia’s and continued to St. Gabriels and Trinity Catholic High School.  Music has always been a part of my life and I will enjoy sharing this art form with your beautiful children! Presently, I am Director of Music at St. Cecilias-St. Gabriel’s Parish. I enjoy the outdoors, early morning runs with my Cavachon and spending time with my family. As music teacher, I look forward to learning about and working with the fabulous students at CAS, making their experience enjoyable and guiding them to their fullest potential.  I am grateful to be working with Miss Brady and the staff members. With God’s guidance and grace, I hope to create a happy educational musical environment for the entire family at CAS.  



Brooklyn Conservatory of Music

BA Aaron Copland School of Music-Interdisciplinary-Queens College Education and Psychology


Professional Experience:
35 years as a Director of Music and Music Teacher in various Parishes and schools in diocese of Brooklyn/Queens and New Haven including 21 years in the Bridgeport Diocese. Schools include, Trinity Middle, Trinity High School, Holy Spirit and Our Lady Star of the Sea Elementary.
Owner and private teacher at “Schule of Music” Music School
Presently, Director of Music Ministry at St. Cecilias-St. Gabriels Parish

Staff Directory