pre-k through grade 8

staff Directory


My name is Lawrence Favata. I am excited to introduce myself as the 5th grade teacher this year. I am teaching Social Studies, Religion, Math, and English Language Arts. 

I have taught upper and middle school for five years, mostly teaching 5th and up. Last year was my first time teaching 4th. My expertise is in health and nutrition. As an undergrad I also studied Theology, Philosophy, and Political Science. Shortly after, I decided to start a career in teaching as well. I went on to get an MAT in Education and was certified to teach 1-6.

I am looking forward to a good year at The Catholic Academy of Stamford. 


B.A. Religious Studies/Theology (Manhattan College)

M.A. Teaching – Elementary Education (Manhattanville College)

Teacher Certification Grades 1-6

Professional Experience/Recognitions:

Teacher for five years in Catholic Education

Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society in Education

Edward J. Morris, M.D. Medal for Religious Studies

Phi Sigma Tau (International Honor Society in Philosophy)

Staff Directory