pre-k through grade 8

staff Directory


I have lived in Stamford all of my life and have been a parishioner of St. Cecilia Church, with my husband, daughters and grandchildren. I am grateful for the 17 years that I worked at St. Cecilia Elementary school. I feel very blessed to be a member of the faculty of The Catholic Academy of Stamford.

My children attended Catholic schools and were given a wonderful foundation to their education. They fostered many close friendships and still keep in close contact with those individuals.

I am blessed to work with many different children every day. It gives me so much pleasure when I see just how artistic they can be.

Merriel Business School

Professional Experience/Recognitions:
17 years Ed Assistant in Kindergarten and Pre-K
Art teacher for Pre-K, K, 1st, and 3rd grades
Annual Art Show
Raised money for The Bennett Cancer Center through sales of children’s collaborative artworks
Ran three after school Art clubs per week
Exhibited a sculpture (Horseshoes) in Stamford’s “Horsin’ Around Stamford” event
Exhibited a bench (Pretty In Pink) in the event “Sitting Pretty in Stamford”

Staff Directory