pre-k through grade 8


We would like to be prepared ahead of time for school closings and early dismissals that may occur. Listed below is important information that you need to know regarding school procedures. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL!


The Catholic Academy of Stamford follows Stamford Public Schools for weather related closings, delays and early dismissals. The decision is made by the Superintendent of the Stamford Public Schools. The Catholic Academy of Stamford will use our alert system to notify you via text, email, and voicemail to the phone numbers and email addresses that you provided at registration.  


Please read/listen to the messages. DO NOT CALL the school office.  Closings will also be listed on CT News Channel 12, or register your cell phone with the Stamford Public Schools to receive alerts. If you hear or see that Stamford Public Schools are closed or delayed, we will follow suit. 


If inclement weather is predicted or occurs during the day while we are in session, PLEASE tune in to the media stations above so that you will be aware if schools close early. The decision for early dismissals is usually made before 10:30 a.m.



If we have a delayed opening, school will start 2 HOURS later than usual.  This means doors open at  10 a.m. On delayed opening days, there is NO before school/morning care.


If the Stamford Public Schools cancel due to inclement weather, we are also closed. If school is cancelled for the day, all daytime and evening school events held at the school are cancelled.



In the event of an early dismissal all after school programs held in the school are cancelled, including the After School Care Program.


In the event of inclement weather during this winter season, The Catholic Academy of Stamford normally follows the decisions of Stamford Public Schools. If Stamford Public Schools announce a delayed start, a closing or an early dismissal all parents will be notified in the following ways:


  1. Information will be posted on News Channel 12

  2. An email will be sent to all parents via Constant Contact

  3. Every cell phone registered in Rediker will be notified by text and phone call

  4. Every email registered in Rediker will receive an email message

Unless notified differently, when school is closed due to inclement weather, The Catholic Academy of Stamford will conduct the school day remotely.


Open House – Sunday, 1/26/25 (12pm – 2pm)