pre-k through grade 8

CAS Golf Outing

October 7, 2024 at E. Gaynor Brennan Golf Course in Stamford CT.  It promises to be a day filled with camaraderie, friendly competition, and support for a worthy cause. 


There are several ways you can support our event:

1. Participate in the Golf Outing: Gather your friends, colleagues, or fellow golf enthusiasts to form a team and join us on the greens.

2. Donate Items or Services: We welcome contributions of items or services that can be included in our silent auction or gift bags.

3. Become a Sponsor: We offer various sponsorship opportunities that provide exposure and recognition for your organization.


Questions? Contact Erin Becker, at or Karen Szymanowski at


Please visit our event website where you can purchase tickets, learn more about our sponsorships and how you can support our event:



Event Details

  • Date: Monday October 7
  • Time: 12:15 pm - 8:00 pm