pre-k through grade 8

staff Directory


I attended the University of Notre Dame for my undergraduate studies.  While at Notre Dame I majored in Economics and enjoyed watching many great football games. 

After college, I worked on Wall Street.  I was a research analyst.  I also went to school at night at New York University.  After completing my graduate studies at NYU, I received a Master of Arts degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education.

 I have taught in private independent schools, public schools, and Catholic schools. 


After teaching at the primary level for several years, I completed further graduate-level coursework and obtained my second CT Teaching Certificate.  This certificate is for Middle School Mathematics.  I love teaching Pre-Algebra and Algebra courses.


I am delighted to be teaching at the Catholic Academy of Stamford, as Catholic schools have the wonderful sense of family and community that I so enjoy working in.

Staff Directory